robert faust التطبيقات

Tower Defense: Kingdom Defence 1.3
robert faust
Tower Defense: Kingdom DefencegameTower Defense: Kingdom Defence game is the best way feel thewarriors’ spirit! Start playing this amazing extreme game and getinto wonderful world of medieval kingdoms, castles and villages,army, thrones, skirmish, towerdefense, warzone, dungeon, crusader,defence war, onslaught, defence heroes, fury and invasion! Do youremember movies about crusader, castle defence or defence towerheroes or another medieval community? Do you want to get to thesame medieval empire and feel yourself as the inhabitant of thevillage, be an imperial army soldier, frontier guard or participantof imperial castle defence?Start your fascinating adventures in the world of medievalkingdoms, castles and villages, army, thrones, skirmish,towerdefense, warzone, dungeon, crusader, defence war, onslaught,defence heroes, fury and invasion!Tower Defense: Kingdom Defence rulesThe rules of the best Tower Defence Warriors Outpost game areextremely easy! There’re 2 villages, one village belongs to thearmy of evil orcs and ogre and second one to people. You’re againstarmy of evil orcs and ogre, so you should defence your village fromorcs’ raid and their macest! You’ll defence your frontier andfortress, care about vitality of every soldier of your village-makethem healthier, increase their number and try your ownstrategy!Download the Tower Defense: Kingdom Defence game and become thepart of the amazing world of medieval kingdoms, castles andvillages, army, thrones, skirmish, towerdefense, warzone, dungeon,crusader, defence war, onslaught, defence heroes, fury andinvasion!Tower Defence Warriors Outpost game is absolutely free! Live inmedieval empire, help to every soldier to fight with the army ofevil orcs and ogre with their maces by giving him additional fightskills and health, defence your own village, care about vitality ofevery soldier , defense frontier and fortress from the army of evilorcs and ogre and do a lot of other things just for free! Youshould earn money to make your soldiers hardy and give themvitality. The coins will be given for every killed orc!Tower Defense: Kingdom Defence advantages• Amazing medieval empire, with its crusader, castle defense ordefense tower heroes comes to life in Tower Defence WarriorsOutpost game!• Control every soldier of the village with the help of specialfunctions, such as vitality, experience etc. Help to protect yourfrontier and fortress in defence battle!• Earn money from orcs killed during raid, incursion oronset!• Run away from severe reality into romantic medieval kingdoms,castles and villages, thrones, skirmish, defence tower, dungeon,crusader, defence war, onslaught, defence heroes, fury andinvasion!• Forget about everything and play the Tower Defence WarriorsOutpost game!You should defence your village of people and care aboutvitality of every soldier – special functions will help you withthis deal. Vitality, imperial castle defence, cannon cost a lot ofgold but where you’ll take gold? Earn the gold –get gold coin fordead orcs and ogre killed during defence battle, incursion, raid oronset! Just pay some gold coins and control imperial soldiers!Be the part of the wonderful world of medieval kingdoms, castlesand villages, thrones, skirmish, defence tower, dungeon, crusader,defence war, onslaught, defence heroes, fury and invasion! Protectyour imperial fortress by providing people with everything that’srequired for defence battle, onset, incursion or raid - vitality,experience, cannon and etc. You are the lord of this world!Orcs are launching incursion on your frontier and fortress, putthem to flight! Provide them with cannon and send to the defencebattle! You’re the main strategist of this defence battle! Protectpeople from orcs’ raid, onset or incursion!Download Tower Defence Warriors Outpost game and convert yourlife into the endless extreme adventure!
Rabbit Terror: Monster Legends 1.5
robert faust
Rabbit terror monster legend game is thecutestadventure game that will entertain you a lot! This funnygame is thebest remedy to cure your bad mood and melancholy! So ifyou’re readyto start the most amazing adventure in your life, thenwhat are youwaiting for? The clue to your eventful life is here –just press“install” and you won’t be able to tear yourself fromthis lovelyRabbit terror monster legend game!There’re a lot of cute and funny jumping rabbits and we betthatthey’re the prettiest creatures that you’ve ever seen! Butthetangled thing is that these lovely rabbits are exposed tothedanger! Crazy and angry rabbits-mutants are hunting for everysweetbunny and try to kill him! As you see horrible legendsaboutmonster became true! And you’re the only one who can savebunny’slife! So just download this fighting game, save poorcreatures andbegin your own adventure!The rules of this hunter game are as easy as cake – there’retwotypes of rabbits – the first group is represented by white,lovelyand funny creatures that are so pretty, that you can’t keepyoureyes off them! But the second group of rabbits is like themostdreadful monster – all of them try to destroy white rabbits!Soyour aim in this jumping rabbit adventure game is to save allfunnybunnies from monster, you should neatly kill every crazyrabbit andhence save the life of poor sweeties!You will be hunting for each monster who dared to attackwhitebunnies! Isn’t it tangled? You’ll not just aimlessly killsomebody,but you’ll save the loveliest creatures that’ve everexisted inthis world!But playing this fighting game is quite complicated – eachcrazyjumping rabbit is very smart and elusive, so you should try alotin order to save bunny’s life!Are you able to accept this challenge? If yes, just try thiscutehunter game and test your strength and craftiness! Justimagine –pretty rabbits are suffering from crazy rabbit mutants,they are indespair and they’re waiting for you! Don’t leave eachpoor jumpingrabbit to the mercy of fate, tackle the tangled issuewith mutantsand prevent their hunting! And remember that playingfighting gameis the cutest chance to prove your bravery to yourfriends becausenot everyone is able to deal with crazy jumpingrabbits-mutants!Download this game about dark legends and monster who iskillingkind bunnies and you’ll become the hero of the virtualworld! Andbesides the wonderful adventure, this funny game prepareda lot ofbonuses for you!• First of all this adventure game is absolutely free!• In addition it’s offline game, so you’ll be able to play itandenjoy jumping rabbits without internet connection!• There are several levels available in this game! Will youacceptthe challenge and pass all of them?• Moreover this funny game has extremely vivid and colorfulscreen,what makes it possible for you to imagine yourself insidethelegends about monster, hunting for white bunnies!Download the coolest hunter game and immerse yourself intotheworld of unforgettable adventures with your beloved bunnies!
Tangled Rabbits Carrot Busters 1.6
robert faust
Help, heeelp!!! This is the call of aninnocentwhite rabbit, whose life is in big danger! Tangled RabbitsCarrotBusters is not just an adventure game as it seems; itincludes agreat mission, which is saving the good from evil! It isall aboutfighting for justice and peace in this virtual world!Monster rabbits are trying to harm this sweetest littlecreaturein the world! They have already destroyed as many places astheycould and killed countless animals. Now, the lovely rabbit isallalone among those dangerous mutants that are trying to catchitnext for their monster game. Unfortunately, neither thoseangrycreatures have got any mercy in their hearts, nor the poorlovelyrabbit has any power against them. However, poor littlerabbit hasnot yet closed the doors of hope, it left at least alittle holefor hope, believing that someone will come and help itsurvive. Youare the only hope that adorable rabbit has in itsheart! It cannotwait seeing you come and start fighting with theenemies and put anend to their hunter game.Although the mission is very serious, the battle withcrazyrabbit does not require much complicated fighting techniques.Thereis one and only trick that you should use to kill angrymutants: assoon as you see any jumping rabbit, which is trying toharm yourlovely pet, just press with your fingers on the rabbit andthat’sit – it will die and cannot do anything bad! Unfortunately,thosemonster rabbits do not come one by one. They may surroundthefluffy white rabbit and attack it all at once or they can jumpallaround trying to confuse you. So, it is very important to befastand extremely cautious!But first of all, you need to download the app to your phonetoget this adventure fighting game started! Installing theTangledRabbits Carrot Busters game is a blink of an eye process, soitwill not take much time to get into the battlefield. Enjoy yournewadventures with better graphics. Feel the joy of beinghappythrough making someone else happy! This is the only war, whichdoesnot cost any money. All it needs is your sincere effort to savethesweet innocent white rabbit!
Classic Snake Maya Jewel Quest 1.7
robert faust
Classic Snake Maya Jewel Quest appiseverything that you need to cheer up! Hurry up – the adventuresarestarting! Just imagine – one click and you’ll find yourself intheworld of magic snake 3d of the Maya kingdom! This snake isn’tjusta fossil snake; it’s a super snake, which’s a beast of prey! Doyouwant to become the part of the world of the mysteriousglyph,welfare, prophecy, artifact, jewels and vertebrate genusancestorof the epic snake?Then just accept the challenge, start playing snake remakegamein your droid, get jewels mania and become hungry for thediamondand other kind of jewel! So just one click separates youfrom theworld of magic snake 3d of the Maya kingdom! The rules ofClassicSnake Maya Jewels Quest game are very easy – your aim is toacceptthe challenge and take as many jewels, as diamond as you can!Themagic, sneaky, hungry, greedy and super snake should wiggleandtravel through magic kingdom of the Maya civilization, socontrolit and manage to feed it with a jewel, as diamond and soon!Such mysterious place of the snake remake game willcertainlyprovoke your interest and eliminate any boredom from you!Immerseyourself into the beautiful world of mysterious glyph,welfare,prophecy, artifact, jewels and fossil vertebrate genusancestor ofthe epic snake and accept the challenge!Download the Classic Snake Maya Jewels Quest game on yourdroidand become the winner!• Internet is required only for downloading! So play thisjewelsnake 3d game whatever you want, without thinking aboutinternetconnection!• Regular updates provide snake remake game with thenewestversions! So play this game and wiggle the magic, sneaky,hungry,greedy and super snake, which’s a beast of prey and has ajewelsmania and be cheerful!• The snake remake game is absolutely free of charge – don’tthinkabout anything, download this snake 3d game on your droid andbethe part of the amazing glyph, welfare, prophecy, artifact,jewelsand fossil vertebrate genus ancestor of the epic snake!• Vivid and colorful display of the snake remake gamewillimmediately transfer you into the mysterious and magic Mayaworld!So accept this challenge and be the best of the best!Download this Classic Snake Maya Jewels Quest game on yourdroidand you’ll never regret! This snake 3d game is unlike theordinarysnake game, where it should wiggle and eat different things– hereyou’ll not only play the carriage snake game, but you’llalsoadmire the beautiful views! So play the magic, sneaky,hungry,greedy for jewel as a diamond, and super snake, which’s abeast ofprey and has a jewels mania and be the part of the amazingglyph,welfare, prophecy, artifact, jewels and fossil vertebrategenusancestor of the epic snake! It’s very interesting ClassicSnakeMaya Jewels Quest game, so you’ll not be able to tear yourselffromit! Accept the challenge – try this game in your droid andyourleisure will be changed completely!Don’t hesitate - seize an opportunity to entertain yourselfandenjoy the marvelous scenery of the Maya kingdom! The magic,sneaky,hungry, greedy and super snake, which’s a beast of prey andhas ajewels mania should wiggle and travel through magic kingdom oftheMaya civilization, so control it and manage to feed it with alotof jewels, as diamond and so on! Become the part of the worldofthe mysterious glyph, welfare, prophecy, artifact, jewelsandfossil vertebrate genus ancestor of the epic snake! This snakeisvery unusual – it’s magic, sneaky, hungry, greedy and supersnake,which’s a beast of prey and has a jewels mania!
Circus Circus! Clown Jumper 1.5
robert faust
Do you miss Circus and all of theseacrobaticthings? Then welcome to the most terrific game - CircusCircus!Clown Jumper! This incredible circus game will immediatelytransferyour from grey routine into the world of joyfulness,happiness andexcitement! Just imagine – as soon as you install thisamazing app,you will find yourself in the cutest place that hasever existed inthe world – in the circus! So don’t miss such abright opportunityand learn what being an acrobat and clown feelslike! Try to jumpon the trampoline and override fierce lion! Areyou still unsure?Then just download this great game and resolve alldoubts!Start playing this highly dynamic game and you’ll forget aboutallproblems! Be ready to great adventures and exploremagnificentcircus! So there’re a lot of levels of this game and ineach ofthem you’ll face such awesome obstacles, as steeplechase,jumpingand walking on ring ropes and whirling circles, riding ahorse andeven overriding a lion! Are you ready to accept thechallenge andprove your courage? Then what are you waiting for?Install this appand prove to everybody that you are the mostcourageous person inthe world! Pass every level of the circus gameand become awinner!But everything isn’t as easy as you think! In order to becomethewinner of the circus acrobats game you should try a lot anddoextraordinary things! For example you shouldn’t just overridealion; you should also jump with it through numerous fieryrings,the same thing with walking on the ropes and riding a horse–various obstacles are waiting for you everywhere and you shouldbevery steady and overcome all of them! Don’t worry – just believeinyourself and you’ll win this game!In addition for every successful jump you will be rewardedbyadditional bonus! So play hard and identify how many bonusesyoucan earn all in all! Besides this all earned bonuses will helpyouto win the game and overcome all difficulties!Furthermore – this circus game is absolutely free of charge!Youwill acquire a significant supply of energy and happiness justforfree! And also this app is offline, so it again means thatyouwon’t spend anything on this game! As you see – this game isworthdownloading, so seize the opportunity and hurry up to downloadoneof the cutest circus themes games!
Sea Vessel: Triumph Cruise 1.3
robert faust
Welcome to the new world of adventures foryourandroid - Sea Vessel: Triumph Cruise! Here is one of themostsplendor ships from the fleet, all ready to start an epiccruise!But… there is something missing… You! The future captain ofthevessel! Sit more comfortably and get yourself ready to lookthroughyour coming cruise plan!This adventure is not only about simply exploring and sailing onthebeautiful Caribbean Sea. There is something more challenging inthiscruise. Your boat is going to face a lot of difficulties, suchasmountainous waves of the sea, dangerous trails which may destroythevessel and a lot more other risks. It is time for You, thecaptainof this ship, to show your powers and skills in controllingthewhole crew and saving your ship from being destroyed. The ruleissimple – do your best not to crash into the rocks or otherobstaclesand continue cruising as much as possible. The moredistance yousail and the more obstacles you overcome, the more youwill earnpoints. The best thing about the game is, that there isno limit tohow much points you can get! So you can enjoyestablishing a newrecord and making your triumph more splendidevery single day!There is nothing easier than downloading this game in justoneclick! Once it is installed in the phone, you are ready tocheckout your splendor ship and start your fight for thehighesttriumphs! The trails of the cruise will not be smooth andstraight,so it is very important to change positions of the boat upand downall the time. The techniques of regulating the vessel areverysimple though: just press your finger on the screen or releaseit.The ship goes up by pressing and goes down by releasing thefinger.Be extra careful with controlling your ship! If you move itontime, you will be just fine!Do not miss any moment and hurry up to start the real battle forthegreatest triumphs! Dare to become the greatest captain of alltimes!Escape to the Caribbean Triumph Cruise from the chaosofcivilization and add more colors to the chapters ofyourlife!
Fish Captain: Rift Adventures 1.5
robert faust
Attention to all lovers of freeadventuregames! Here is a brand new app created for those, who arefond ofadventures, especially if it is underwater! Imagine swimmingundera huge ocean with sky blue water and enjoying itscolorfulunderwater world! This new app includes not only that, butalso themost challenging adventure games, which will literally takeyourbreath away!Here you will meet happy fish, which is so excited aboutupcomingfish adventure games, but having only one obstacle: thereisabsolutely no one who can let this game fish start. The thingis,not everyone knows about one of the best adventure games yet.So, beone of the first ones to take a little tour to this newworld offree fish games!As the main supporter and controller of this fish game, you needtohelp this happy fish swim as much as possible. Yes, any ofthosecreatures are actually able to swim themselves, but not inthesefish adventure games. Your game fish will face a lot ofchallenges, such as dangerous rocks or old ship. The fish cannotrun intothem, otherwise it will get hurt and will not be able toswimanymore. So, you will lose the fish game and will have to startallover again.What makes it one of the best adventure games is that there isnolimit to how much your happy fish can swim. So you have aperfectopportunity to reach new goals and make higher recordsevery singleday! The game fish techniques are pretty simple: thereis no tool touse except for your fingers! You just need to presson the screen tomake the fish swim up and do otherwise to make itgo down. Just becautious to act on time and the victory in thisfish adventure isyours!Fish Captain: Rift Adventures app is one of the free fishgames,so obtaining it costs nothing, but an internet connection.Once itis installed in your phone, go ahead and enjoy your freeadventuregames anytime offline! Train your stamina and enjoy one ofthe bestadventure games with your happy fish!